

The Platform for Contemporary Dance (PlaST) is a nationwide organization of independent artists in the field of contemporary dance. It brings together individual artists (currently more than 50) and professional dance associations through honorary membership. 

Its founding is linked to the date of 15 January 2016, when the dance community felt the need to protest against the political interference in the functioning of the Studio Dance Theatre in Banská Bystrica and the demonization of contemporary dance as a decadent art form by a right-wing political party. The long-standing impression that the sector as a whole lacks protective and supportive mechanisms for its development has also contributed to the emergence of the platform.

Gradually, PlaST gained momentum, responding to the current needs and suggestions of its members, while at the same time searching for a functional modus operandi, as its initiators and members are still active artists not producers nor managers. Today, it has its own elected board of directors, association management, organizes annual membership meetings, and engages in project activities inspired by members' suggestions on acute issues. 

PlaST's long-term ambition is to push for comprehensive solutions to the industry's chronic problems: to gain professional venue for contemporary dance where creation and presentation can be under same roof which the capital city desperately lacks, to map and inspire work, to achieve greater visibility on the international level, and to put halt to brain drain (or rather body) of young artists leaving country to search for better working conditions. 

PlaST manages a nationwide calendar of events, which also functions as an archive of events and work. Since 2018, it has been running a project focused on critical reflection on a given season (Dance Season). In 2017 it initiated a mapping and published a study on the 

conditions for creation for the period 2010-2016, in 2018 it was engaged in the preparation of expert materials for the potential establishment of a dancehouse type of institution needed to start the lobbying processes. It collaborates with other important organizations in the field of contemporary dance - with NuDance Fest, realizes expert discussions or educational programs during the festival, with the Association Bratislava in Motion it initiated and co-organized the first Slovak Dance Platform in 2021. In cooperation with the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and the Cvernovka Foundation, PlaST is developing the project of the Telocvičňa residential centre for contemporary dance and performance art in Bratislava. 

It operates thanks to the support of its members and the financial support of the Fund for the Support of Arts, the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the Bratislava City Foundation and the Visegrad International Fund.



Chairwoman: Maja Hriešik

Vice-Chairwoman: Soňa Ferienčíková

Board members: Maja Hriešik, Soňa Ferienčíková, Eva Priečková, Silvia Sviteková, Soňa Kúdeľová


Networking, dramaturgy

Maja Hriešik


Association management, financial management, data processing

Silvia Bakočková


Coordination of the Telocvičňa residential area, PR management

Soňa Kúdeľová


Project coordination

Barbora Chomová Uríková


Telocvičňa - the name of the centre is a Slovak word for a gym and refers to its original purpose. It is a generous space with facilities and basic equipment that is essential for dance and movement. It has been a residential space for dancers since 2016. It is owned by the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and is located within an important city cultural hub and independent cultural centre KC Nová Cvernovka on Račianska Street in Bratislava, and thanks to an agreement between them and PlaST, it can be used by dozens of artists. Since 2018, PlaST has been coordinating its functioning and working to improve its facilities. 

Despite its provisionality, it has quickly become crucial for the emergence of new work in Bratislava, the establishment of young artists and intergenerational collaboration. It has enabled the overall consolidation of the dance community, which has equipped and communally used the space in a self-sustaining and basic way.

Artists take part in residencies, educational projects, and occasionally perform for the public in the space. 

At the time of the lockdown, many dancers were streaming their work from Telocvičňa. 

Since 2021, the Plast also hosts an International Residency Program and a regional research project focused on connecting art and science in relation to climate change - the Nature of Us project. 


Become a member of the community.

You can become a member as a high school or college dance graduate or as an artist who is active in the professional dance or performance scene.

Membership provides support in the form of promotion of work, residency and training opportunities in Telocvičňa, information about current open calls, as well as an opportunity to be part of discussions about the future of the field. 

Of course, an annual membership also means a small but important financial support to the endeavours and functioning of PlaST as a continuously operating organisation.

The membership fee for 2024 is unified at €30 per year for all members.


The membership fee can be paid using the following details:

IBAN: SK41 1100 0000 0029 4802 0953

TRANSFER DETAIL: please enter your surname and the year for which you are paying the membership fee


SUBJECT: Platform for Contemporary Dance, o. z.

ADDRESS: Račianska 78, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia


Edita Antalová

Silvia Bakočková

Libuša ČIžmárik Bachratá

Lucia Bielik

Lukáš Bobalík

Katarína Brestovanská

Miriam Budzáková

Zuzana Burianová

Michaela Cisarikova

Jakub Cerulík

Magdaléna Čaprdová

Tomáš Danielis

Soňa Ferienčíková

Petra Fornayová

Kei Franček Mimakiová

Ivica Franeková

Silvia Grachová

Michal Heriban

Lucia Holinová

Maja Hriešik

Danuša Hruškovičová

Zuzu Hudek

Anna Hurajtová

Barbora Janáková

Tomáš Janypka

Renata Jurčová

Yuri Korec

Viera Vika Kozáková

Milan Kozánek

Soňa Kúdeľová

Roberta Legros Štěpánková

Veronika Malgot

Katarína Matúšová Hajsterová

Lívia Méndez Marín Balážová

Zuzana Náprstková

Michaela Nezvalová

Eva Ohraďanová

Andrej Petrovič

Marta Poláková

Eva Priečková

Daniel Raček

Viktória Revická

Barbora Repková

Kristína Šérová

Paulína Šmatláková

Vladislav Benito Šoltys

Miroslava Stašková

Andrej Štepita

Silvia Sviteková

Matúš Szeghő

Martin Talaga

Jana Tereková

Michal Toman

Milan Tomášik

Simona Tonková

Andrea Tušimová

Eva Urbanová

Jozef Vaľo

Zuzana Vasičáková-Očenášová

Jaroslav Viňarský

Stanislava Vlčeková

Zuzana Žabková

Lukáš Zahy Záhorák

Katarína Zjavková


Asociácia Bratislava v pohybe, o.z.
Asociácia súčasného tanca, o.z.
bees-R, o.z.
Debris Company
BOD.Y, o.z.
Byť v pohybe / B in motion, o.z.
En Vorentoe, o. z.
Colectivo Priekopník Veverička, o. z.
Gegangere, o. z. / Projekt Batyskaf
Chaosmos, o. z.
Divadlo štúdio tanca
mimoOs, o.z.
Move-you, o.z.
Neskorý zber, o.z.
SKOK!, o.z.
Skrzprst, o.z.
Tanečno, o. z.
tanC, o.z.
T-O-K, o.z.
Red Movement Network
Ultraviolet, o. z. / Divadlo Jedným dychom




Member of EDN - European Dance Development Network




Medial partners



Platforma pre súčasný tanec, o. z.

Seat and billing address:
Račianska 78
831 02 Bratislava, Slovak republic
IČO: 50131435
DIČ: 2120978915
IČ DPH: SK2120978915 (§ 7a)
IBAN: SK41 1100 0000 0029 4802 0953
Statutary body: prof. Mgr. Marta Poláková, ArtD., president

Office PlaST:
Telocvičňa, Nová Cvernovka
Račianska 78
831 02 Bratislava, Slovak republic

Networking, dramaturgy
Maja Hriešik


Association management, financial management, data processing
Silvia Bakočková


Coordination of dance residencies centre Telocvičňa, PR management
Soňa Kúdeľová


Project coordination
Barbora Chomová Uríková


General info mail